Staircase Company Dundee

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Staircase Company Dundee

Creating a new, bespoke staircase – what you NEED to know…

It is not very often that people plan, design and install a new staircase. Some people will be making the gargantuan effort of replacing the current staircase in their Dundee home, whereas other people will be creating a new one, from scratch for their exciting new build property.

Regardless of why you are considering replacing or creating a new staircase, there are some factors that you NEED to know;

I. There are building regulations to comply with – as with most structural and major works within a property, there are regulations that MUST be complied with in order for the work/building/project to be ‘signed off’ successfully. These regulations in terms of staircases are not onerous and are there to protect you and your family. A high quality staircase company local to your Dundee home or business will be able to walk you through the regulations…

II. Safety – stairs must be safe and although the building regulations are there for that reason, sometimes within a property there are other considerations and pressures on the safety that staircases need to offer. For example, spiral stairs with open treads may be your hearts delight BUT, they are not the safest in some situations. However, the design process of a staircase case company local to your Dundee home or business will have creative ideas that navigate the turbulent waters of safety versus beauty…

III. Not accepting the ordinary when it is the extraordinary you are chasing – the staircase may be essential and it may be functional but it need not be dull or boring. It need not be relegated to the corner, it can shine and delight. It can allow for more space; it can be ‘shy and retiring’, OR it can be the interior piece of beautiful, delightful architecture that you want it to be. And yet… when you convey these ideas, you are met with blank stares. Look for a creative, imaginative staircase company in Dundee who have just as much passion about your new staircase as you do!

IV. Accessories, accessories and accessories! – staircases can be works of art. They are a functional, interior sculpture, created from the material or combination of materials that you want (and your budget allows for too!). They can be as ornate and as decorated as you like! From lighting that illuminates the journey, to lighting that illuminate the piece of interior architecture to the stains, paints and varnishes that can be applied to them…

Your staircase need not be ‘grey and boring’ simply because it is functional. Let your creativity do the talking… and work with a leading bespoke staircase company local to Dundee who can walk this journey with you!

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01698 845628
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